Chemicals in food are getting into the human body – this is what it means for your health

New research suggests that you are exposed to thousands of chemicals, including harmful substances, that can enter the human body through food and drink associated with plastic bottles and takeout containers.

It is no wonder that our environment is full of waste, such as microplastics, which can accumulate in our bodies.

But researchers in a recent study were surprised by how many chemicals in our everyday things can migrate to humans, and say it’s “relevant” that when let us fully understand the risks.

The researchers, led by scientists from the Swiss non-profit Food Packaging Forum Foundation, looked at data on more than 14,000 food-related chemicals – substances in containers or other materials that affect what we eat and drink.

The study, published on September 17 in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, explained that 25% of the chemicals they studied – about 3,601 substances – appeared inside the body of human, with samples including skin, hair, blood, breast milk, and fatty tissue.

That suggests that chemical products move into our bodies from the things we store, pack or cook our food. It’s not just plastic either, as even paper or cardboard can contain substances such as ink that can be problematic when it comes into contact with food.

Trying to understand health risks

Scientists are looking for clues to understand the effect of these chemicals on long-term health.

Some of these chemicals are known to be harmful, including carcinogens (which cause cancer) and toxins linked to hormonal and reproductive problems.

One such group is called PFAs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), known as “permanent chemicals” because they persist and accumulate in our bodies and water. and in the soil. Exposure to PFAs is linked to some types of cancer, liver damage, and more, as well as possible developmental disabilities in children.

Other harmful chemicals studies have found in food and in our bodies include BPA (a toxic ingredient in packaging linked to hormonal problems) and heavy metals that can cause harm to Our DNA.

And there’s a lot we don’t know about some of the chemicals found in human samples, including whether they might be harmful or whether, if they are, they’re safe.

The actual number of chemicals we get through food and drink may also be much higher than the 3,601 estimated in the study, according to the researchers.

Limiting exposure to chemicals

The same research group previously published a study that found that government regulations do little to prevent exposure to chemicals.

While there are laws in place — such as limits on PFAs in drinking water — the law is slow to keep pace with the latest science, and is sometimes too vague to be enforced. . In addition, there are many unknowns about the potential dangers of chemicals that have not been studied closely.

The new study is one important step toward understanding how chemicals in our environment (and in our food) can affect our long-term health, and how we can reduce them. how are the risks in the future.

“This work highlights the fact that food contact equipment is not completely safe, even if it complies with regulations, because it transfers harmful chemicals to humans,” said Jane Muncke, senior author of the study. , an environmental toxicologist, and executive director at. Food Packaging Forum, said a press release.

“We would like this new evidence base to be used to improve the safety of food contact equipment – both in terms of compliance but also in the development of safer alternatives,” said Muncke.

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